Did you miss our 2nd Educating for Resilience Conference in November 2015? Register now to buy a school-wide license and start building resilient classrooms. This license allows you to share these resources with everyone in your school for a very low price.
In November 2015, the Canadian Positive Psychology Association held the 2nd Educating for Resilience Conference. This conference was developed for teachers, counsellors, educators, and positive psychology practitioners who are interested in learning about how to use Positive Psychology to increase resilience in schools. We partnered with Upper Canada College (UCC) and had a complete new line-up of talented and highly inspirational speakers. It was an outstanding day of learning about how to increase resilience in schools for student, faculty, and staff.
While traditional mental health programs focus on coping with mental illness, Educating for Resilience provides the strategies and techniques to increase positive mental health and fitness - a rapidly growing focus in the teaching community. Register now and start building resilient classrooms!
Introduction to Positive Psychology
Presenter: Louisa Jewell, MAPP / President of CPPA
How to Build Resilience Through Teacher-Student Relationships and School Culture
Presenter: Greg Evans, Ph. D. / CPPA Board Member & Dir., the Happiness Enhancement Grp.
Mindful Educators – Resilient Students: An Experiential Approach to Steadying the Mind, Calming the Heart and Relaxing the Body
Presenter: Heidi Bornstein
The Lens of Character Strengths to Develop Social and Emotional Competencies for Leaners of All Ages!
Presenter: Jillian Darwish Ed. D. / President of Mayerson Accademy
Understanding Kindness in the School Context: Implications for Educators
Presenters: Holli-Anne Passmore & John Tyler Binfet / University of British Colombia
Weaving Positive Psychology into Your Curriculum: Stories from the Front Line
Panel Discussion:
The Moments that Make Champions - GRIT
Presenter: Caroline Adams Miller, MAPP / Author, Speaker & Educator