The CPPA organizes a regular speaker series that features original webinars by leading researchers and practitioners whose work involves positive psychology (see past events below). Many such speakers will be at our conference in 2014. Here is what one participant said about Dr. John Zelenski's CPPA webinar on the relationship between nature and well-being:
"Thanks for responding fully to my specific questions at the end of the webinar; I very much appreciate that. I also like the technology and feel the webinar flowed nicely. The backgrounds of the PowerPoint presentation are great, and the content is rich and well-presented. Following the webinar, I feel even more intensely connected to the natural world and notice myself noticing natural elements more and appreciating them on an even deeper level. The webinar is therefore a great reminder for me, and the data/research you present is rather interesting. Looking forward to hearing more on this topic in-future."
Client Service Coordinator & Office Manager