With Dr. Fredrike Bannink
Recent decades have witnessed a surge in the development of competency-based, collaborative approaches to working with clients. Practicing Positive CBT reveals how traditional CBT can become Positive CBT by shifting the focus of therapy from what is wrong with clients to what is right with them, and from what is not working to what is, thus creating a more optimistic process that empowers clients and therapists to flourish.
Drawing on insights and techniques from both Positive Psychology and Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Fredrike Bannink reveals how Positive CBT combines the best elements of change-based and meaning-based psychotherapeutic approaches to offer a new perspective on traditional CBT. This transition represents an important shift from problem analysis to goal analysis, from a focus on deficits and the learning of new behaviors to one that builds on resources and competences clients already possess and from reducing distress to building success.
This workshop will be interactive incorporating a keynote presentation and exercises for experience-based learning
• What is Positive CBT?
• How is Positive CBT different from traditional CBT and how can it be combined?
• What is the role of the Positive CBT therapist?
• How to find competences, resources and what works to build successes within a CBT framework
After the workshop attendees will have:
- knowledge of Positive CBT and how it is different from traditional CBT
- skills to enhance positive emotions and hopeful and optimistic conversations
- practical Positive CBT tools
Bonus: A copy of Fredrike's book, Practicing Positive CBT will be given to every participant - A $54 value!
Prof. Paul Gilbert: “Fascinating insights and practical applications to change what we focus on and how we work in helping people change”.
Prof. Willem Kuyken: “What Bannink is doing is radical, synthesizing CBT with the psychology of resilience in a grounded and pragmatic way”
More about our workshop leader:
Fredrike is the author of several books including 1001 Solution focused questions, Solution Focused Conflict management and of course Practicing positive CBT. Fredrike is a clinical psychologist, CBT trainer and supervisor, Master of Dispute Resolution and the owner of a therapy, training, coaching and mediation practice in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She is a Mediator for the Court of Amsterdam as well as an International keynote speaker, presenter, trainer and author. To find out more about Fredrike you can also visit her website at www.fredrikebannink.com