The Canadian Positive Psychology Association is excited to announce Educating for Resilience, a one-day Conference for teachers, counsellors, educators, and positive psychology practitioners. To download the latest program click here.
You will learn how to apply positive psychology and resilience techniques in an educational setting in order to improve the psychological health of youth in Canada. While traditional mental health programs focus on coping with mental illness, Educating for Resilience provides the strategies and techniques to increase positive mental health and fitness – a rapidly growing paradigm in the psychological community.
Louisa Jewell will start off the Conference with an Introduction to Positive Psychology. This interactive session will present an overview of positive psychology and the benefits of applying positive psychology in an educational setting.
Positive Education: Using the Science
of Positive Psychology to help Students Thrive is presented by Dr. Jane Gillham, Co-author of the Penn Resiliency Program, clinical psychologist, educator, and researcher. She will be using a direct approach to answer the question “How can we help students to thrive?” with a focus on personal qualities, experiences, and environments in order to promote human flourishing.
Strength-based Resilience with Dr. Tayyab Rashid and Dr. Afroze Anjum, psychologists, delves into the strength-based assessment approach.
Studies show that identifying and practicing signature strengths is associated with greater well-being. Dr. Rashid and Dr. Anjum will also discuss practical strategies for professionals to develop the strength of children and adolescents.
Spotting and Managing Strengths for Gritty Self-Regulation and Achievement with Sherri Fisher is a presentation and workshop designed to provide you with the tools of strength and resilience, and allow you to bring them to the classroom setting. Gritty self-regulation has been proven to be a better indicator of academic achievement than IQ.
Renewal, Resiliency and Revitalization
with Dr. Greg Wells discusses best practices that anyone can use to improve their health and performance. The presentation focuses on mental skills, physical techniques and nutritional tools that aid recovery and defend against stress.